The “Horrific”

Meet Cutes

You’ll Love

This is a short story prequel to the haunted adventures of 1377 Rikoppe Lane, and is over 3k words on the main characters of Jo and Layce. They weren’t always haunted! This short story will make you smile.

Ever read a story where the characters were so likeable, hate-able , or fascinating that you wanted to know the details of their lives that were let in the cracks of the story because they weren’t important to the plot. Well, the Rikoppe Lane Characters are fascinating and live beyond the pages of the book in a way, waking me up to write their back story.

Get these TWO FREE back stories:

How Jo & Clay Met


The First Date of Layce & Ginni

Darkness Follows

Clay’s Demise

This is a short story prequel to the haunted adventures of 1377 Rikoppe Lane & Purdy House: The Cold Room, and is over 4k words on Clays last days and why he did what he did! You will be blown away!

Why did he do it? We never got to know Clay much, other than knowing he was the one that Jo loved dearly. But what happened to Clay, why did he leave a love so poetic and loving? What could have possibly caused him to end his life when he loved Jo so much?

You will finally get that answer in this bonus short story. Through Clays eyes, you will follow him to see what happened and how everything he did, he did out of love for Jo, believing there was no other way!



The final Purdy House book in the trilogy| Book 3!


The Sculptured Soul

Lessons That Develop Self-Love & Boundaries

Advanced Teachings of Mastery Work For A Lifetime!

Some things take a lifetime to learn through life experience. As a consequence, we endure a lifetime of wear and tear on our hearts and souls, finding our balance, boundaries, self-love and self-worth. This book will help you say no without guilt, choose yourself as a priority, gain courage, stand up for yourself, while allowing wisdom and peace of mind to take the forefront of your life!